Why should you become a member
Don't just witness the Movement.
Be a part of the Movement.
We are in our first trimester of pregnancy. This is when the fetus is most vulnerable. Every hand on deck is essential at this point. As we implement evidence-based solutions in small bite-size increments, watch as this love culture spreads like wildfire. We will be successful because our foundation is Love and Love never fails.
BELONGING/CONNECTEDNESS Sense of acceptance and being part of a community- Because I Am Love is not an organization that only helps those who think, act or look like them. We
acceptREACH OUT to all people. - CONTROL OF DESTINY Sense of purpose, ability to influence events that shape life’s circumstances.- Through our Life Plan we first make people aware of their destiny, then teach them how to control their destiny, and finally shape their destiny.
- DIGNITY Sense of one’s value, honor, and respect. We teach Dignity and Self-respect. Through the Life Plan we have identified a direct correlation between Dignity and accomplishing goals. We teach people to write down the small details of their plans and check them off as they accomplish them. This is done purposefully. The more you can do what you decide in your mind to do, the more you respect and value yourself.
- HOPE/ASPIRATION Belief that something better is possible and achievable.- Hope is the reason why we do what we do.
- SAFETY Experience of security- We address safety primarily through our environmental approach to change the conditions within a community, including harmful physical, social, or cultural factors.
- TRUST Belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of self and others.- The Love Movement will create a culture of Love instead of people identifying I Am Love as an organization. Our goal is that I Am Love be a way of life and not a brand.
Membership has its benefits
We have some very exciting benefits coming for our members in the future. Some of which will be Life Insurance and Low-Interest Loans regardless of your credit.
New Member Gifts
- I Am Love Lapel Pin
- 8.5"X11" Love Oath
- Membership Certificate
- RAK Cards
Other Benefits
- Discounts on Events and Merchandise
- Loved Ones Support
- I Am Love Bug
- Free Trainings
- Attend Member Meeting around the World
- Access to Members area
and much, much more...
Can’t afford a Membership
Use your Love Tokens.
I Am Love Membership
1 Year paid on a Quarterly basis
Quarterly -
$160.00 year
Click Here
All donations are tax deductable
I Am Love Membership
1 Year paid on a Bi-annual basis
Bi-annual -
$120.00 year
Click Here
All donations are tax deductable
I Am Love Membership
1 Year paid on a annual basis
Annually -
$100.00 year
Click Here
All donations are tax deductable
Become a Legacy Member
Legacy Members pay 10% of their wages according to their pay schedule.
Legacy Membership may also be achieved by Donating your time.
I Am Love Legacy Membership
Paid according to your pay schedule
Pay Schedule
Custom Gifts
Embrodered Hat
Click Here
All donations are tax deductable