Seminars & Practicals

The IAL Life Plan is one of the most effective tools we use to change social norms. We have used a systematic approach with innovative ideas based on firsthand experience to develop this paradigm-shifting, generation-changing program.

This wonderful, liberating, life changing way of approaching life and its ever-changing circumstances is based on what we call the 3 Keys to a Successful Life.

Many currently used approaches to education adopt an antiquated philosophy of, if you tell them they will know better and do better.  Theoretically that makes sense, but we know that you cannot make someone change.  No matter how much we talk, no matter how much we really, really would like someone to change, they never will unless they decide to first change in their own mind.  The Life Plan is designed to provoke thought, and examine your own life and experiences. Then rationally come to the conclusion on your own on how to achieve the remunerative goal of living a successful life.  The Life Plan proposes questions, describes scenarios and encourages you to undertake various challenges that may shake the foundations of your soul and question cultural, and religious, philosophies that you have held as truth your entire life.

Our goal is that during the journey of creating your Life Plan, you will go through a metamorphosis and paradigm shift that will change the way you look at and live the rest of your life.

"We plan Weddings, Funerals, Parties, and the like, but we don't take the time to actually plan our life."- Sir Duplechan

African american employee planning project with laptop and paperwork


Be prepared to receive the most liberating, paradigm shifting, information you have ever heard. Discover your Purpose, learn coping skills, Resilience, Social & Emotional Education that is not taught in our current public education systems or in most house holds.

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This takes what you learned during the seminar and puts it into practice. Through a curriculum of thought provoking exercises you formulate a plan to live the most successful life possible.

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Take our course to become a Certified Life Plan Teacher/ Coach.
"The Harvest is plentiful but the workers are few."

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Follow our Practical Corriculum as a group as you prepare to make the rest of your life the best of your life.

Schools, Organizations, Companies etc.

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Plan or attend a Life Plan Week-end retreat. Transform your week-end get-a-way into your roadmap to peace and freedom.

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For those who would like a personal Coach to guide you as you create your plan and implement it.

Coming Soon

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